Ever since Trump bought this pageant, it's been hell. I look horrible in a bikini, drop the flaming batons on my feet. And now the judges are going to ask me how I feel about same sex marriage and world peace.
Windy Cove Hello MaryLou, aka Malou
Humble servant Diane Nelson
Santa's most loyal helper -the Norwegian Elfhound!
Owned by Kathleen & Chris DeLaurenti
HaHaHa - you'll never get ME in one of those costumes!
Bear and Xena
Bear owned by Andrea & Jim Baker Xena a JNMRF foster
Queen of the Nile
JNMRF Foster Dog
It's 5 o'clock somewhere!
Teddy Bear
Owned by Candace & Steve McMaster
I do not want to be Babe the Pig for Halloween, Mommy!!
Owned by Candace & Steve McMaster